Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Be a Responsible Student free essay sample

Today, I am going to talk on a topic titled â€Å"how to be a responsible student†. Before I proceed, I have a question what does the word responsible mean? According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is an adjective with two meanings; first meaning is having an obligation to do something as part of a job or role. Second meaning is being the primary cause of something and so able to be blamed or credited for it. Responsible is also synonymous to liable accountable answerable amenable – reliable. I am sure everyone wants to be a responsible student. Here are some tips on how to be one. | | | | Firstly, manage your time if you want to be a responsible student. You must come to class on time  and is always ready to learn. Dont be a minute late and bring everything you need for the classes on that day; the right note-taking materials, your homework, lunch, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Be a Responsible Student or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Be organized  with all the time. Secondly, respect your teachers. Even if the things youre learning arent exactly interesting, just pretend they are. Smile at your teachers and be nice to them. Respect the grade they give you and be patient with your teachers. In addition, always behave in class. Dont fool around with other classmates or with an object. Pay attention and listen closely to the teacher. If another student starts talking to you, quietly tell them to be quiet and listen. If they still dont stop, just ignore them. If others are being bad during class and you take the blame for it, consider telling the teacher about this person if you feel comfortable. If not, try to ignore it as much as you can, and if the teacher calls you out, stand up for yourself, or talk to the person or the teacher afterwards. Thirdly, take notes. This is very important to do, especially if you want to achieve  good grades. Take notes neatly in a notebook. You dont have to copy every single thing the teacher says, but jot down whatever you think is important. Do this in pencil in case you have to erase something. After school, bring the notes home because they may be useful for your homework. Fourthly, hand in your  homework  efficiently. Spend a sufficient amount of time on your homework every night. Keep it very neat in case you have to hand it in. Ask someone to check your homework if you feel comfortable, but dont let them change it. It is your work, so you have to be  responsible  for it. Make sure you hand in your assignments  on time. Make up for missed or incomplete work. If you were absent for one day, try to schedule a time to meet with your teacher and go over what you missed. If you didnt finish the test or handed in sloppy work, ask your teacher what you can do to make it better. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, ask a classmate to help you make up what you missed. Last but not least, help your classmates. Dont be selfish when they cant find their book, or they dont have a pencil or paper, lend them yours. Always be prepared to help them, and be respectful to them. Even if theres a person you dont like in class, and you got assigned to a project with them,  work with them and together you can achieve your goals. Before I end my speech, I would like to thank you all for listening and I hope the tips and information I’m sharing with you today will bring a lot of benefits to us all. Thank you.

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